Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Popstar Blues

Originally uploaded by tralu
This is the j-popstar of the Love Revolution world. Her name is Delilah Dakota! Also: I am a hack!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Screenshot #2

Originally uploaded by tralu
Current UI of the game. It's terribly boring, I know, but I'll be touching that up at a later unspecified time. It all works, though, so that's a plus... I guess?

Emi 2.0

Originally uploaded by tralu
Technically it's Emi 4.0. Someday I'll post all the different versions of Emi I've made in the past few weeks to show you all how terrible of an artist I can be.

Shinichi Ozawa

Originally uploaded by tralu
There are still a lot of problems with this guy, and I haven't fixed him up yet because of a) entertaining guests and b) I can't make his face look creepy enough.